Specialists In Onsite Chemical Treatment

Optimise the surface condition of your stainless steel parts, offering a variety of cleaning and chemical passivation processes

Ensure Saftey And Cleanliness With Our Services

Protect your investment, minimise downtime and optimise your process with INOX's range of services designed to clean pipes in a effective manner

How INOX Ensures Ongoing Success

Offering Expert Passivation Services To A Range Of Industries

INOX Passivation Ltd’s principle purpose is to optimise the surface condition of your stainless steel parts, offering a variety of cleaning and chemical passivation processes thereby ensuring that your  equipment/components go through their service life free of corrosion.

Speak To An Expert

Submit A Question Or Enquiry And Speak To One Of Our Experts To Find Out More!

Submit an enquiry with your question, to give us a brief or to request a call back from one of our experts.

When you get in touch with INOX:

  We'll contact you back as soon as we are able to
  We'll always aim to provide 'best advice' for your business
  We offer a free initial consultation
  Your information is treated in the strictest confidence 

You can ask us for advice or help on any or all of the following: 

  • Passivation
  • Derouging
  • Oxygen Cleaning
  • Biofilm Removal
  • Riboflavin Testing
  • Pre-Commissioning Flushing
  • Carbon Steel Pickling

Simply confirm your details on the form provided and we'll be in touch ASAP. We look forward to hearing from you!

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